About Teodor


Teodor has lived with me since the day he was born because I co-owned his mother Ruby and she lived with me.
Teo is a real little fighter who didn´t have an easy start. When he was born he only weighed 49 grams and went down to 44 grams during the first day.
He didn´t quite reach the upper row of teats but he struggled on. We assisted him by holding a hand under his bum so that he colud reach up properly.
We of course had to support feed him and at the beginning he ate every two hours, and if me, Marita and my mum had not worked together,
he wouldn´t have made it. Marita has been a great support.
Teodor gained weight very slowly and sometimes I didn´t belive he would ever catch up with "normal" kittens,
but 12 weeks old he weighed 1167g. Maybe not the biggest kitten in the world but I´m sure not the smallest one either.

Teo is a wonderful little guy. He can be very wild and the next moment he can cuddle up beside you in the sofa.
He can be really nice and calm and in a second he can turn into a little piranha. There is so much mischief in him.
The older cats are so kind to him, and let him get away with almost everything. And when they get angry
they just hiss at him, so he dosen´t show them much respect.

My little darling is always hungry. He loves to eat and looks like he´s almost about to starve to death when it´s time for his meals.
He eats almost everything but strangely enough bananas is his favoutite food. When he hears the "crack" when you open the peel he is there.
And if you don´t give him a pice he tries to climb up your legs to get some. Oranges is also something he likes, he´s a bit odd.

Teo hurt his one of his hind legs when he was just 4 weeks old and will therefore not be a show cat.
He will however be a highly beloved pet.

From the moment Teodor opened his eyes the touhgt of keeping him was there. He got stuck in my heart because of everything we have been
trough to get him were he is today. In the beginning we did´t have much hope of him making it, but he proved us all wrong.
The decision to keep him feels just right, sometimes you must listen to your heart.

Thank you Marita for all the help and support you given me and for letting me keep Teodor here all trough out his growth.
It´s been very instructive for the beginning of our own breeding.